Official Website DANTE - European Digital Innovation Hub PROJECTS

1/10/2022 30/04/2026 Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Tecnologie per gli Ambienti di Vita – SMILE, Rete Innovativa Regionale ICT for Smart and Sustainable Living, Consorzio Interuniversitario nazionale per L’informatica, INNOVAAL Aggregazione Pubblico-Privata per l’Active & Assisted Living Società Consortile a responsabilità limitata, Distretto Tecnologico pugliese salute dell’uomo e biotecnologie societa’ consortile a responsabilita’ limitata, Distretto Tecnologico sicilia microe nano sistemi scarl, DISTRETTO INTERNI E DESIGN DID, Università Politecnica delle Marche, eHealthNet S.c.a.r.l., Istituto Nazionale di riposo e cura per anziani INRCA, Fondazione per la ricerca farmacologica Gianni Benzi onlus, Polo di Innovazione Ict e terziario innovativo Pitagora rete di imprese, NODE societa’ cooperativa Partners ON GOING EUROPEAN DIGITAL 2021-2023
e MIMIT Grant n.101093913.
Project Category Project Status Starting Date Ending Date

The Project will have significant social impacts at different levels: on individuals, especially those facing challenges such as the elderly and people with disabilities, by enhancing their daily independence in terms of safety, prevention of loneliness, and support in cases of physical or mental health conditions; on caregivers (both professional and informal), by providing them with information, skills, and digital tools to continuously monitor patients’ conditions and streamline care management processes; on social and healthcare services, by reducing costs while ensuring high-quality support for the elderly, enabling them to remain active in society; on policymaking and public administration, by fostering stronger connections between social and healthcare policies (at regional, national, and international levels) and the citizens, professionals, and businesses operating in the healthy and active aging sector and smart living environments supported by cutting-edge technologies. Objectives Budget The total budget is €5,673,119.67. DANTE is funded by the European Commission and the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT). Timing The project will last 36 months, from October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2025. The Project named “DANTE: Digital Solutions for a Healthy, Active and Smart Life” was submitted under the “European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01)” call by the National Technology Cluster SMILE “Smart Living Technologies”, acting as the project coordinator.

DANTE is an innovative project as it focuses on supporting the digital transformation of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Public Sector Organizations, and professionals operating in the fields of healthy and active aging, Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), and smart environments. The objective is to enable these actors to effectively address current digital challenges. To further foster the digital transformation of the European Economy, the Digital Transformation Accelerator (DTA) will efficiently and effectively support the Network of Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs).
DANTE - European Digital Innovation Hub
Consorzio ICT4SSL, Via Torino 151/C Cap 30172 Mestre-Venezia (Ve), tel. 041/2517511. P.iva 04436570271 © 2022 - Tutti i Diritti Riservati