10 Settembre 2020 28 Febbraio 2023 Consorzio Venetian Green Building Cluster, Rete Innovativa Regionale ICT For Sustainable Living, Rete Innovativa Regionale Venetian Smart Lighting, Venetian Innovation Cluster for Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Università Degli Studi Di Verona, Università IUAV di Venezia, T2i s.c.a.r.l. Partners CONCLUSO POR FESR 2014-2020 Asse 1. Azione 1.1.4 Categoria Progetto Stato del Progetto Data di Partenza Data di Completamento

HYBRID SUSTAINABLE WORLDS focuses on the following enabling technologies to experiment with and develop new design and prototyping methods in order to achieve the project’s objectives:

• Home automation and automation systems (RIR ICT for Smart and Sustainable Living and RIR Venetian Smart Lighting)
• Technologies for building design and development, business models, and value-added services (RIR Venetian Green Building Cluster)
• Innovation and digitalization in marketing processes (RIR Euteknos)
• Technologies for Cultural Heritage, virtual reality, and technologies for artistic and cultural heritage (RIR Venetian Innovation Cluster for Cultural and Environmental Heritage)
Objectives Budget The project has a total budget of €2,998,736.75. The granted funding for this project amounts to €2,021,179.23. Timing The project has a duration of 30 months, from September 10, 2020, to February 28, 2023. Media HYBRID SUSTAINABLE WORLDS is the first research and innovation project on green building, promoted by the ICT for Smart and Sustainable Living Innovative Network and co-financed by the Veneto Region (POR FESR 2014-2020, action 1.1.4 DGR 822/2020). The project involves 21 local companies, four regional universities, and a research institute, with a particular focus on the specializations of five RIRs (ranging from sustainable living to creative industries), for a total value of 3 million euros, approximately 70% of which will be covered by POR FESR funds.
Hybrid systems combine the physical spaces we live in with the experience of the virtual and cyberspace. They offer the opportunity to leverage the power of 3D, networks, and intelligent systems without giving up the physical dimension of meeting, proximity, and dialogue, fostering and creating new opportunities for coexistence and social interaction. Hybrid environments are products of technical ingenuity and creativity, which, in turn, enhance human creativity and intellect, supporting new ways of interacting, creating, designing, and producing. This project identifies Sustainable Living and Creative Industries as technical and cultural frameworks for its activities.
In four key sectors of the regional economy (Construction, Commerce, Culture, and Artistic Manufacturing), which have been particularly affected economically by the ongoing pandemic, the project will address complex challenges and experimentally demonstrate the potential of hybrid virtual-real systems in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, flexibility, and resilience.
In the Sustainable Living sector, given the pandemic emergency, it is essential to define new requirements for public and private buildings and their systems. The construction sector has a significant impact on financial markets, and the project aims to investigate financial models that can support economic recovery, identifying necessary modifications to existing buildings to enhance their performance in both emergency situations and ordinary scenarios.
In the field of hybrid marketing and e-commerce innovation, the project focuses on leveraging real-virtual hybridization to innovate the promotion and sales system, ensuring greater resilience to COVID-19.
In the Access to Culture sector, the project explores and researches technologies for the enjoyment and sale of cultural heritage-related products, even during the COVID-19 period.

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