Go to Website SAFE PLACE Project PROJETS

10/09/2020 30/12/2022 Rete Innovativa Regionale ICT For Sustainable Living, Rete Innovativa Regionale Venetian Smart Lighting, Rete Innovativa Regionale Veneto Clima Ed Energia, Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Università Degli Studi Di Verona, Università Degli Studi Di Venezia-Ca Foscari Partners COMPLETED POR FESR 2014-2020 Asse 1. Azione 1.1.4 Project Category Project Status Starting Date Ending Date

The project aims to address in a systematic way the problems arising from the COVID emergency, innovating and improving the functionality, usability and accessibility of all classes of personal protective equipment known for this purpose, making them specifically effective in combating the spread of Covid-19 and allowing their integration into iot-based systems, thus creating modular solutions capable of combining different technologies synergistically and flexibly according to the specific needs of the various use cases. The project will study the ethical and legal implications of these technologies and their implementation in different places, also in order to draw up a complete and updated list of guidelines for the safety of public and private living environments. Achievements Budget The total cost of the project is € 2,999,480.00. The grant granted for this project is € 1,973,033.26. Timing The project has a duration of 28 months from 10 September 2020 to 30 December 2022 divided into two periods of reporting:

PHASE 1 – From 10/09/2020 to 30/12/2021
PHASE 2 – From 1/01/2022 to 28/02/2023
Media On 10th of September 2020, the Innovative Regional ICT for Sustainable Living Network, as lead partner, applied for a grant under the POR FESR 2014-2020 Axis 1. Action 1.1.4 for a research project called "SAFE PLACE. iot systems for healthy and safe living environments". The project aims to boost the integration and development of innovative solutions in the field of Sustainable Living - in particular Home automation and automation for improvement quality of life, Technologies for the design and development of buildings, Energy management of buildings, Safety in places of life and privacy, Solutions for independent living.

The project involves:

- 9 companies belonging to the Innovative Regional Network ICT for Sustainable Living: Alfawater Srl; BFT Spa; Edalab Srl; Fenice green energy park; Iris engineering research systems; Consorzio L'Incontro; Negroponte LAB Srl; Rawfish Srl; Videotec Spa

- 7 companies belonging to the Venetian Smart Lighting Innovative Regional Network: Atena Lux Srl; Coem Srl; Elesi Luce Srl; Engi Srl; Hikari Srl; Nectogroup Srl; Stylnove Ceramiche Srl

- 4 companies belonging to the Innovative Regional Network of Veneto Climate and Energy: brofer srl; Giordano Controls spa; Jonix spa; Gizero Energie srl;

- 3 Research Organisations: University of Padua, Human Inspired Technologies (HIT), University of Venice, University of Verona, T2i-Technology Transfer and Innovation
Consorzio ICT4SSL, Via Torino 151/C Cap 30172 Mestre-Venezia (Ve), tel. 041/2517511. P.iva 04436570271 © 2022 - Tutti i Diritti Riservati